Sundown on April 14, 2020 marked the last High Sabbath of the Days of Unleavened Bread or the Passover Week as some call it (Leviticus 23:6-8). This week has been a very different and very trying Passover season. Loosing several friends to Covid-19, watching humanity “de-volve” into the stuff of nightmares all while national leadership […]
A Morning Thought
What I have always wanted was to be in league with people who shared a vision of an action oriented, sincere faith. A lot of the problems we confront in our homes, communities and nations can be addressed if we take decisive actions to address the issues without fluff or favoritism. For those who claim […]
Conspiracy, Conspiracy….
Con·fed·er·a·cy – an alliance of people or groups formed for an illicit purpose: what we in other ways of speaking may call a Conspiracy. Since the onset of Covid-19, I have heard, discussed, shared and been spoken too about almost every possible idea under the sun. I have heard things I have been hearing since […]
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