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Action speaks LOUDER than words….

A large part of the frustration I face is that large swaths of practicing “Christians” spend more time declaring their faith and voicing their opinions and judgements as opposed to LIVING in a way that evidences their faith. Biblically speaking, ACTION has always been a large part of “praise and worship”. Singing and dancing, lip service and non-action in the face of the numerous moral crises we face as a nation and a race are not serving the purpose and fulfilling the meaning of the “Christian” Fatih. Rather they evidence a failure to comprehend and act on the commands of the God of scripture to be the salt of the earth and lights to the world in the face of an ever encroaching darkness. Actions always speak louder than words, and in the case of the professing Christian, its supposed to be a guiding principle that we live by each day, all day to be a catalyst for change and healing in the world.

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