Belief…so often we take for granted that we really understand “belief” as it relates to the faith and belief in the way of Yesus Christos/Yeshua HaMashiach. I will say from personal experience that I had been in fellowship with religious organizations for years, but I did not come to truly understand the power of belief […]
Healing the Trauma
Several years ago my former pastor allowed me to deliver a series of messages to the congregation on the subject of trauma. I discussed the various forms of trauma that people experience and how those unresolved traumas can affect ones life and decision making unless dealt with effectively and with purpose. I related my life […]
Being About “That Life”
When I was younger I used to always hear this phrase used to describe someone whose actions or way of life led to them being characterized a certain way or by a particular title. A person who loved material items and a lavish lifestyle configured their entire existence around acquiring and maintaining that way of […]
God is way deeper than you think….no SERIOUSLY
A few months back I had a running online discussion with an Ethiopian Protestant gentlemen about the Torah/Tanakh , its eternal value and meaning and its influences on Orthodox theology. In what was a very one dimensional conversation I repeatedly tried to convey the depth and beauty of The first 5 books, the Writings […]
A Very necessary testimony…
7 months into her pregnancy, her doctor notified her that she was suffering from Hypertension. She was told to return to the hospital if she experienced severe headache or fever. A few days after that admonition an episode of high fever, intense chills and violent shivering sent her to the hospital on Saturday afternoon. Admitted […]
The Last Day of Unleavened Bread
Sundown on April 14, 2020 marked the last High Sabbath of the Days of Unleavened Bread or the Passover Week as some call it (Leviticus 23:6-8). This week has been a very different and very trying Passover season. Loosing several friends to Covid-19, watching humanity “de-volve” into the stuff of nightmares all while national leadership […]
A Morning Thought
What I have always wanted was to be in league with people who shared a vision of an action oriented, sincere faith. A lot of the problems we confront in our homes, communities and nations can be addressed if we take decisive actions to address the issues without fluff or favoritism. For those who claim […]
Conspiracy, Conspiracy….
Con·fed·er·a·cy – an alliance of people or groups formed for an illicit purpose: what we in other ways of speaking may call a Conspiracy. Since the onset of Covid-19, I have heard, discussed, shared and been spoken too about almost every possible idea under the sun. I have heard things I have been hearing since […]
What happened …
I had a conversation recently with a person who had been and is still a part of the Christian Identity/Church of God movement for almost 30 years. He wanted to talk to me about “omitted truths” and where the Churches of God had gone wrong and what they had become. He wanted to discuss things […]
Action speaks LOUDER than words….
A large part of the frustration I face is that large swaths of practicing “Christians” spend more time declaring their faith and voicing their opinions and judgements as opposed to LIVING in a way that evidences their faith. Biblically speaking, ACTION has always been a large part of “praise and worship”. Singing and dancing, lip […]
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