Yesterday most Christians of the Hebrew Roots or Messianic persuasion celebrated the 8th Day Assembly that always occurs after the 7 days of Succos or as it is more commonly known, the Feast of Tabernacles. In my experiences the end of the Feast of Tabernacles is often accompanied by long faces and sorrow as the […]

A Liberal Agenda?….
Reflecting on a recent series of conversation I asked myself what compels me to do and think what I do in terms of moral, “religious” and spiritual responsibility? What compels me to advocate for the lowly? The meek? Those suffering with illness and sickness? The poor? Why am I so charged with emotions, (at times […]

Today marks the 123rd Anniversary of the victory at the Battle of…
Today marks the 123rd Anniversary of the victory at the Battle of Adwa. The battle saw Emperor Menelik the II, Emperor of Ethiopia lead an army of soldiers and peasants to defeat the army of Italy as it attempted to colonize Ethiopia. Many in the west, especially in the black community scarcely have knowledge of […]

Just to clarify…
So about this “justice” thing. I figure I would just put the most basic definition out there for anyone to digest. In biblical terms justice simply means to do the right thing and the best thing for your neighbor or anyone around you, especially those in need, at risk, socially, physically or economically disadvantaged, downtrodden […]
Think on it….
There is a day of reckoning coming….a day where you can no longer hide behind the cloak of your “title” or religious and thus political affiliation or claimed faith or how you pronounce the messiah’s name or the new moons you observe. Your works, those done throughout your life will be laid bare before the […]
Colossians 2:14 and missing the point
In Ancient Israelite society, a rarely discussed tradition existed that played out throughout the biblical year starting the day after Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) that culminated with the Day of Atonement of the following year. As an individual of the nation of Israel lived day to day, following the Atoning sacrifices and rituals […]
Atonement Thoughts
The single largest casualty of the “Christian” religions break with, disassociation from and condemnation of its Hebrew beginnings is the concept of Justice. Torah living and law are REPLETE with the principles of and concept of Justice and Right making. But in our ignorance laced zeal to persecute those who killed Christos, (not acknowledging that […]
One step at a time
Have you determined that you want to serve God but am not sure how too based on your limited resources, material or financial capacity? Does that actually inhibit or deter you? Do you feel you cannot possibly have an impact because the issues and troubles around you are so big, and you feel like you […]
The Emissary
The true “Christian” or follower of Yesus Christos is defined or identified by his or her sustained everyday, every minute, every hour acts of compassion, love, right making and justice. They are to be life long emissaries or ambassadors of “The King” and “His Kingdom” on the earth. An ambassador or emissary of a foreign […]
Its not a race or competition….
In my faith travels within the Christian Identity movement I noticed that people treated their mission of “preaching the Gospel” and “saving souls” like some sort of competition. “The more lives I impacted, the more points I racked up with God” seemed to be the mantra of folks in the World Wide Church of God […]
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