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Today marks the 123rd Anniversary of the victory at the Battle of…

Today marks the 123rd Anniversary of the victory at the Battle of Adwa. The battle saw Emperor Menelik the II, Emperor of Ethiopia lead an army of soldiers and peasants to defeat the army of Italy as it attempted to colonize Ethiopia. Many in the west, especially in the black community scarcely have knowledge of […]

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Colossians 2:14 and missing the point

In Ancient Israelite society, a rarely discussed tradition existed that played out throughout the biblical year starting the day after Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) that culminated with the Day of Atonement of the following year. As an individual of the nation of Israel lived day to day, following the Atoning sacrifices and rituals […]

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Atonement Thoughts

The single largest casualty of the “Christian” religions break with, disassociation from and condemnation of its Hebrew beginnings is the concept of Justice. Torah living and law are REPLETE with the principles of and concept of Justice and Right making. But in our ignorance laced zeal to persecute those who killed Christos, (not acknowledging that […]

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