A few conversations this week and numerous observations on the behaviors of people of faith have left me a bit bewildered… To put it bluntly I am watching people of all shades and “ilks” within the “Christian” faith say and espouse some of the most alarming things ranging from the vile and hateful to heretical […]
Peaceful Rant
The Epistle of James is often underused and/or misunderstood in the annals of Christendom. Proponents of the “once saved always saved” and other similar doctrines often attack the notion of “works” and in-turn works of service as being attempts to “earn” salvation and appease God, thus downplaying the significance of the sacrifice of Yeshua. It […]
To all who claim Christ and practice the faith of “Christianity”, it’s not about race, ethnicity, “tribe”, nationality, country of origin, gender, social, economic status or material possession…. but faith and Belief. During this season which so many people revere and look forward to as the moment in history when the Messiah’s sacrifice saved mankind, […]
“Red Pill” Rant
The Bottom Line is this…..
Events in the US, in my current environment see people who profess to be Christian behaving in ways that reveal some troubling aspects of their “faith and religious practice” as well as their basic morality. Not wanting to come off as “judging” folks but rather calling “fruits” as I see them, I am often times […]
A Very Biblical practice….
“Apart from spiritual services the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewehedo Church is engaged in social affairs. From the beginning, the church has been used as an asylum for the poor and the orphans. In every parish Church and Monastery, there is a hall called “gate of peace” (Dejeslam). This hall is used as the dining hall for […]

When being a sheep isn’t so bad…..
Yesterday I spoke to my Beloved here in Ethiopia and recounted a conversation I had with a long time member of the “Church of God” last week. The gentleman spoke against the notion of personal responsibility and the sayings of Jesus as stated in Matthew 25:31-46. Sharing a similar mindset with a lot of the […]
Some clarity is needed…..
I had a friend who became a Protestant minister, pastoring a church in the Southern United States during the early 2000’s. Educated in a western (US) theological institution who told me during a discussion about my research into “Sabbatarianism” and the Eastern Church that 7th day Sabbath keeping was “their” philosophy in terms of the […]
“Biblically speaking, justice is not an autonomous
“Biblically speaking, justice is not an autonomous ethical principle. It is a comprehensive, covenantal, relational mandate. It is part of being in relationship with God, part of “walking” with God: Micah 6:6-8 6 “With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt […]
I find that the deeply sobering yet inspiring admonition from Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 tells the converted committed believer that as new creations in Christ, we are to be completely conscious and aware of our standing in Christ not only in regards to past signs forgiven and present conduct and abstinence from sin, but […]
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