In recent months I have come under scrutiny from members of a Hebrew Christian community I fellowshipped with for my sincere admiration and deep respect for the Christians of Africa and imparticular the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. An older member of one of my fellowship circles asked, “What makes those people so special? What do they […]
Does anyone share the culture of Jesus Christ
A lot of us take pride in our ethnic background, heritage or places of birth or origin. Some of us take stock in the fact that we are sons and daughters of great people or nations, derived from a strong lineage either in regards to geographic or ethnic origins and in a lot of cases […]
Taking stock….
Friday October 4, 2013 brings the end of a rough week for me personally. A period of deep personal upheaval and shifting has caused me to seek to distract myself by focusing my attention on other well neglected areas of my research and studies. My reading for this period is a book entitled “Ethiopia Unveiled” […]

A bridge too far….
As I now sit at home back in New York just having returned from Ethiopia, I begin to reflect on my trip and what I accomplished, did not accomplish and the reasons why I need to go back. Outside of deeply affecting experiences had in Ethiopia’s capitol Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s historic city of Gondor and […]
Ethiopian Travel Diary – Day One
Addis Ababa, December 31st 2012….After what seems like much “trial and sacrifice” I am here in Ethiopia beginning a 2 week journey to begin to answer my questions about Hebraic Christianity and Judaism in this region. After a long flight to Dubai and a brief layover I boarded a flight to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the […]
God is looking for True Worshippers – My quick thoughts in review of the 2012 Feast of Tabernacles
The theme of the 2012 Feast of Tabernacles in Jamaica was sobering and extremely inspiring in light of the times we live in and are facing as Hebraic christians in the 21st century. With the ever changing landscape in the religious and secular world, it seems that more and more people are being shaped by […]
Where are we now…
Shabbat Shalom on this Sabbath evening of May 11, 2012. Thankful for the week’s end, I can look back and say that it has been a remarkable time in the US, and actually the world over the past few weeks since I enjoyed the peace and serenity of the Eastern Cape and Zimbabwe. With all […]
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