The theme of the 2012 Feast of Tabernacles in Jamaica was sobering and extremely inspiring in light of the times we live in and are facing as Hebraic christians in the 21st century. With the ever changing landscape in the religious and secular world, it seems that more and more people are being shaped by “peer” pressure and group ignorance when it comes to defining and living by a set of principles or beliefs that govern ones everyday life. In the realm of Christianity, especially in the West, more and more people seem to be fashioning their beliefs and doctrines under the influence of more extra-biblical sources and church dogma and tradition as opposed to biblical and historical truth. People seem to run on a treadmill fueled by their own beliefs that inject little to no biblical truth but rather rely on emotion and church tradition for foundation and traction. The problem is that all things devised by man are bound to eventually fail and come to naught in the face of God’s presence and truth. The structure that is western Christendom is seemingly imploding and crumbling like a building in the midst of demolition, with many of its adherents running the risk of being trapped and buried in the rubble . The structure is succumbing to the very pressures created by its own dogma. On the one hand false truth, false hope and a fanaticism fueled by ignorance and fear are leading to a disolushioned and demoralized population of adhearents. In another aspect the structure is being bucked by glaring truths that are presented in the bible as to how one worships the Lord “in Spirit and Truth” and lives a “spirit led” life. The research into biblical history and context yield crushing blows to arguments long held in the West against Hebrasim and declare the importance of the Hebraic lens through which we are to view and understand biblical concepts and truths. People are asking hard questions about the relevance of the “appointed times”, the sabbath and the sabbaths which the scriptures state must be kept “through out your generations FOREVER”. The laws that mainstream Christianity teach us are no longer relevant because of their limited mention in the new testament are the same laws and principles that actually comprise a large part of the way of life of Jesus Christ and the apostles. The list goes on and the facts when laid out reveal that a lot of the concepts that are treated as dogma by mainstream Christianity are in need of some very serious reconsideration and are at their worst completely erroneous.
All things considered we are coming to a profound point in human history where we are seeing that clear cut choices are being laid out in front of those who call on the name of the Lord and who claim to worship him in spirit and truth. The call to true worship, a worship that is life encompassing and consuming. A call that involves one putting aside the often celebrated traits of pride, vanity and inflated ego to put on humility, compassion and love. A call that requires you to put your fellow man before yourself regardless of color, gender, class or political affiliation. A call that is to transform us into the true likeness of Jesus the Christ as we take on and embody the fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22. It is a call that marks us as and makes us the “salt of the earth” that Christ disciples are supposed to be. The lights in the world who declare God’s truth by our living walking witness and testimony more so than word play and loud speeches. We as “strangers and pilgrims” in a foreign land on the journey to Mount Sion who embody the Lord and are witness to his truth, way and testimony to the world around us. The call is to fully dedicate one’s life to serving Christ and preaching the Gospel with one’s very life, using the power of example and lifestyle to show the world what a true worshipper looks like and lives like.
I have personally believed this was always the nature in which we were to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. By an all consuming, living example that was and is to be a to guide and standard for our entire lives. It is a way that requires true selfless dedication and a commitment to Christ that can only be fueled by a deep knowledge and awareness of his truth and total understanding of who he as we seek a deeper relationship with him. The call for true worshippers is being made now as we speak. I pray that all of those who claim Christ and want to do his work come to a realization of what it is to truly worship God in Spirit and in Truth, guided by love.
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