I was raised in a loving home with a strong sense of family and unity of both family and community. I came away from my upbringing with a tremendous love for children and seeing families love and grow up together to become solid pillars and foundations of their/our community. These ideals created in me a desire to always be apart of and contribute to a community that functioned as a large extended family. One that supported and nurtured each other as we lived and flourished side by side as neighbors, eating and breathing positivity and driven by a spirit of love, peace and oneness.
My lofty ideals have taken a severe beating over the years courtesy of the systems I find myself immersed in, coupled with an unyielding and ever present cynicism as to whether anyone can effectively live with anyone, period. The breakdown of the family and the sense of responsibility towards the youngest members of the Human collective is just one of the issues that assaults my sense of hope daily. To put it bluntly, I look at some of the situations I/we face as a community and say to myself, “How can we let this shit happen”.
The armies of street kids, the down trodden and the elderly who live on the streets, panhandling, stealing or selling their bodies to simply survive, depending on the kindness or in some cases the moral corruption of strangers to make it day to day.
I often wonder about the moral capacity of people who just walk by the suffering and the downtrodden and who don’t even flinch at what exist before them, especially, the “religious” ones. The cowardice of those who claim to be the “moral giants” and “spirituality elite” is so offensive that I am often consumed with anger and the desire to seek justice for everyone society just wants to “throw away”. They seem as though they want to bury “society’s problems” in the depths of the oceans as to not offend their senses, not realizing that they are cracking and destroying the very foundations of the society they cherish and yearn to protect.
I am so tired….so so tired of watching the unjust claim to be just, claiming a spirituality that they in all actuality have absolutely no comprehension of….
These are not just spots on my “Feast Days”, rather they are dark clouds so thick they blot out the sun completely and plunge the world into chaos and darkness….
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