Just to clarify…

So about this “justice” thing. I figure I would just put the most basic definition out there for anyone to digest. In biblical terms justice simply means to do the right thing and the best thing for your neighbor or anyone around you, especially those in need, at risk, socially, physically or economically disadvantaged, downtrodden and oppressed. In terms of Biblical Christianity it’s not an option, rather it’s mandatory. “Doing nice things for people” is an over simplification of what is to be an everyday, sincere aspect of the devout Christians life. Kindness, compassion, justice and making things right are aspects of Christos that the believer reflects for the rest of their lives. Not to sound pompous, but you don’t get to pick and choose which you do, as you don’t get to pick and choose whom you serve. Basically, the beams of your reflection affect and impact everyone around you like rays of the sun impacting everyone with the same intensity. You want to bring change and relief to a troubled world? Walk the talk, reflect the kindness, love, compassion and justice of God to All and seek to reflect God constantly, at all times as you seek to better the human condition. The shutdown is over for three weeks but the effects will linger. Add someone affected to your check-in list, seek out someone who may need help. Strive to be there for somebody….save a life…… #shabbatshalom #love #faith #orthodoxy #sabbath #EOTC #orthodoxtheology #praxis #theosis #liveyourtruth

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