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The Emissary

The true “Christian” or follower of Yesus Christos is defined or identified by his or her sustained everyday, every minute, every hour acts of compassion, love, right making and justice. They are to be life long emissaries or ambassadors of “The King” and “His Kingdom” on the earth.

An ambassador or emissary of a foreign nation represents that nation on foreign soil as long as he or she is on duty, dispatched from the nation they represent to perform the duties or service of that office until they are recalled or replaced.

In the case of “the Emissary or Ambassador” of Yesus Christos, they are on duty for life, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including week days and week ends during every waking moment.

And what does this “duty” or mission entail? To be the face and representative of a merciful, loving, compassionate, fair and just King, “righting wrongs” whenever possible, helping and serving the poor, the widowed, the orphaned and less fortunate and oppressed.

Feeding, assisting and caring for the poor, not once a month, not once a week, but everyday as much as possible. Fighting the injustices in their midst, without qualification or bias based on race, ethnicity or gender. Being there for those whose backs are up against the wall who feel completely desperate and hopeless. Turning the tide of despair and hopelessness that those around them may feel. Being a beacon of Light, hope, fairness, equity and Justice at ALL times, not occasionally not just when convenient and definitely not one day a week on the weekends.

It’s not about an ego filled, narcissistic “I do this for a blessing”, “get what’s mine, name it and claim it”, “I got it, you don’t” way of life. It’s about a way of life and moral posture that is inspired by one’s deep respect and reverence for the creator God. If you truly revere him and hold him in awe, there are behaviors and actions you would find morally reprehensible.

You wouldn’t leave a church service to “go watch a lynching of an uppity negro” nor would you find it in any way appropriate to separate immigrant children from parents whether they were on your soil illegally or not. And you wouldn’t let that thinking or attitude go unchecked or unchallenged in your midst. You wouldn’t choose nationalism or fight for racial or ethnic identity over your way of life and will of the king at any time, period. You would not induce terror or suffering on those of other ethnicities, races or genders simply because your ego and sense of being is fragile or worse yet you are filled with a satanic hatred for anyone different than yourself. You would be completely the opposite, fighting for justice, equity and balance where injustice and terror existed. The Emissary fights the spiritual war on terror, and in no way ever becomes the actual terrorist.

How is the “emissary or ambassador” empowered to do this mission? By Divine power derived through a sincere personal relationship with “The King” who created all things and dispatched them in the first place. In this case it is “the King of Kings, the creator of all things” who gives the emissary strength, the spiritual tools and power to do all things the service entails. A part of the process of the Emissary is to remain repentant and to urge and preach repentance at all times, knowing this is a large and crucial part of being empowered in the first place and always will be the crucial steps to empowerment.

The Emissary/believer is always repentant, knowing that they are not perfect but striving to be a perfect and solid representation of the King and Kingdom they are called to represent. Striving to be, and empowered to serve, being transformed, IF the desires and motives are sincere, selfless and point to the King and the Kingdom.

To those who want to represent the King of Kings in power and might, your mission is not to fool with vain efforts and arguments to prove God to the unbeliever, rather it is to reflect the light and will of the creator by doing his will and being committed to his purpose of right making and justice for ALL the inhabitants of this earth until the kingdom is established in its fullness at the return of the King. The light of righteousness and justice will be the force that overtakes the darkness of unbelief….

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