Sundown on April 14, 2020 marked the last High Sabbath of the Days of Unleavened Bread or the Passover Week as some call it (Leviticus 23:6-8). This week has been a very different and very trying Passover season. Loosing several friends to Covid-19, watching humanity “de-volve” into the stuff of nightmares all while national leadership and spiritual leaders seemingly disintegrate under the unrelenting pressures of leadership failures and tragedies in the wake of the attacks of Covid-19 or as I have begun to call this plague, Covid the Destroyer. This Passover season I have not always been cognizant of the spiritual meaning of these days as I mourn the dead, try to safe guard my family and comfort those who are suffering around me. With the completion of the Passover ceremony and the beginning of the days of Unleavened Bread it is our focus and purpose to walk with a renewed purpose to live and strive to be “Unleavened in Christ”. I.E to live my truth, walking in my truth and BEING the peace of God that the followers of Yeshua are called to be. My condolences to all who are suffering from the loss of loved ones. I pray for peace for all of those who are bitter, angry and enraged (like I am) at the terrible treatment of our fellow man at the hands of other human beings. And I pray for deliverance for all of those suffering and in need who have fallen through the cracks in the face of this global pandemic. Those of us who have “renewed” our covenant and devotion need to be reminded and realize that times like this in human history, fraught with tragedy and uncertainty are the exact times we have been given the power and tasked to serve and address the needs of our brothers within the faith and without. Galatians 6:10 states: “[10] As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” As we walk in “newness of life, Unleavened in Christ” we have been given power from on high to uplift, comfort and support all of those in our midst. Let us move on to the business of taking whatever opportunities we have to bring healing healing and peace to our world. #passover #unleavenedBread
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