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Where are we now…

Shabbat Shalom on this Sabbath evening of May 11,  2012.  Thankful for the week’s end, I can look back and say  that it has been a remarkable time in the US, and actually the world over the past few weeks since I enjoyed the peace and serenity of the Eastern Cape and Zimbabwe.  With all the things happening in the world and my life I am bought back to a solid and sobering point that I think that most in the Christian faith need to keep at the fore front of their minds as they try to figure out what the future holds for those who are trying to walk and live the way of Yeshua the Messiah.

The Apostle Paul in the book of Hebrews Chapter 11, verse 13 in recounting the plight of the faithful states that they confessed themselves to be “strangers and pilgrims on the earth”.  The Apostle Peter in the epistle of 1 Peter chapter 2, verse 11 reiterates the same principle when he says “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul”.

Strangers and pilgrims….it still strikes a bit of a chord after all of these many years of having read those passages countless times.  Yet with all of the external pressures and influences we encounter everyday in society it is a spiritual concept that we can lose track of or actually at times forget.  Does the state of the world and society around us trouble us?  Yes, and all the more so because people seem to make it their business to run from God, showing disdain for him and his principles and laws, while touting their own flawed and imperfect solutions as the “better ways” than those prescribed in some tainted ancient document and belief system.

The fact of the matter is that we need to derive strength and focus from the basic tenants of our purpose here on this planet.  Converted christians are here on the earth to be “a Witness of the Kingdom of God”, a witness to the  mind, character, loving kindness, forgiveness and mercy of the creator God.  We are to exercise these traits without ceasing towards the rest of the inhabitants of the earth, the beings created to be the children of God, his future family.

Christians, I mean truly converted Christians are empowered with strength from the creator God to perform the duties required of those who are called to follow after the example of Jesus Christ.  Putting others above themselves, pitching in to help without questions and making sacrifices to enrich the lives of others in need.  Am I simplifying all of this….maybe.  But I in my heart feel that members of the Christian community who are truly converted have access to the power of God, and need to be using this power to affect changes in individuals lives.

Sometimes I think we have lost sight of what the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom truly is.  It isn’t always throwing resources at people such as books, cd’s and tapes.  That can be a small part of it, but the more valuable tool is you the individual becoming that “resource”, personally helping that person or persons in such a way that the Kingdom of God is revealed by you and your personal witness.  By true believers being in covenant with Christ, then doing our duties to serve in the world  we have an impact larger than what we can imagine.  An impact that in turn helps to bring light to some of those dark corners of the world and some of those who are trapped in those dark areas without a light to guide their steps and their path.

With all things considered, lets set out to see how we can make a difference in the world according to what the world SPIRITUALLY and EMOTIONALLY needs.  How we can help those around us in need and put our talents to good use, the right way.  With Christ commandments and example before us lets see if we can really be the lights in the world God the father called us to be.  Let us become helper’s and examples to a world that so desperately needs to see what true christianity is.

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