The following is solely my opinion based on my reflection and continual interaction with professing Christians in the Hebrew Roots, Orthodox and Protestant/Evangelical circles. In other words, I was inspired by you….
Lately I have been pondering the writings of Paul which refer to the believers faith and conduct as they live out their lives dedicated to the service of God and Christ. Paul speaks fluidly in so many places in his epistles about the nature of the believers calling, purpose and destiny. His words echo the fact that the believer, called, convicted and practicing the faith of Jesus Christ through belief is SEALED by God for the purpose of being saved and set apart for a purpose. Set apart not only for a life devoted to service of others but also to realize the transformation into the Divine type, the GOD kind if you will.
In my fellowship circles I am surrounded by practitioners who seem to be of several different spiritual attitudes and dispositions. Those who in some way or another espouse the basic tenants and practices of a believer, but yet in many ways handicap and prohibit themsleves from realizing the spiritual benefits promised to the true believer. In some cases they actually quit the race before they even start running. Stunting their growth and sabotaging their efforts by their own actions and attitudes developed due to a wrong approach to the life they have been called too.
Far to many times quiet a few of us take the approach that we have completely “made it” and we are absolved from striving to live good solid behavior and morals before the world, absolved from striving for complete, as near to a perfect infallible witness in the flesh (notice I said striving for) and character that reflects nothing but Yeshua’s being and ways. Sometimes we are not conscious or aware of all of the ways we are to reflect Christ, in every aspect of our life. We aren’t aware or convinced that we must reflect Christ down to the “granular” level.
I personally get a sense of just how deeply our commitment is supposed to resonate, how complete and all encompassing our dedication is supposed to be in the way of a total commitment and turning our “Whole Heart” to God in the process of being conformed and transformed to the image of Christ. The Apostle Paul makes a plea with us that we should heed in Romans chapter 12, verses 1-2:
[1] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. [2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. [3] For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
To offer your bodies as….A living sacrifice…. holy….acceptable unto God. Basically, the creator of the universe has called you into a unique and deeply personal relationship…with him. And the fruits and end result of that relationship? That you are to be made a part of the God kind. A part of the creators family as a child adopted into a human family. You have been called and adopted into a relationship with God, you are being sanctified through your FAITH and BELIEF in Christ and your actions that are born out of your faith and belief and you are to be….. Will be…. Glorified upon the return of the messiah at he establishment of the Kingdom of God on the Earth.
With that said I must ask a question. With all of that considered, all if that is stated and reiterated by the Apostle Paul in his Epistles, why, I mean why do we not feel a greater obligation to STOP SINNING. Why do we reason and rationalize “milking” the “thorn in the side”/habitual sin concept to justify staying put in our sins? Why do we not consider what Paul calls in Romans 12 “our reasonable service”?
Right now a lot of people I know, including my self for a large part of my life justified sin by way of faulty teaching. Faulty teaching that stated that I would be locked into the same deep, habitual sins for the bulk of my life and that “God understands your weaknesses and will forgive you regardless”. It is true that God will forgive you if you confess your faults and sins, but he also will empower you to overcome sins in your life. If you sincerely and whole-heartedly believe, you will be empowered by the Creator God to overcome the sins that beset you and hinder your growth. You can overcome, grow and accomplish amazing things, if you COMPLETELY BELIEVE GOD AND YESHUA THE MESSIAH. I not only believe this, but I can attest to the fact that I have overcome major sins that deeply affected my life…..Major Sins….that hindered me from accurately bearing out the Gospel witness in my life.
I put this out there to hopefully inspire you to ask questions of your self and really consider what sacrifices were made for you to be where You are now in Christ? What did God do to enable this covenant relationship you have been called into. What was done to bring you “into Christ” and how should “a called and converted Christian” be thinking and behaving as a person “in Christ”. What is “my reasonable service” considering ALL that has been done for me as a follower of Christ.
Wow this is the Truth that sets you free.