I dont know if folks who come to this blog are all Sabbath keepers and will understand some of the things I say, but I must share my thoughts on understanding and having a relationship with Jesus Christ the Creator God and Savior of Mankind.
At times I enter into the Sabbath with my mind awash with thoughts and anxiety about things that concern me, job issues (when I had one), family, friends, the worlds turmoil, etc. It is hard to cut off those thoughts when the sabbath begins because they can be sooo overwhelming. Last night, Friday March 30th was no exception as I was entering my last weekend in South Africa.
My trip here has been an immense emotional undertaking as I wrestled with loosing my job of 7 years the day before I was to leave for South Africa and Zimbabwe. I wrestled with doubt, anger and utter dissapointment at what I felt was the ultimate betrayl in loosing a job that I had given soo much hard work and time to. I decided to go to Africa as I believed I was meant to go and I had planned this trip for a while. I went, I am here and now 6 weeks later as I am about to depart I have many golden experiences to share. The critical ones however all have to do with gifts and blessings of peace, stability and joy a follower of Christ can have in times of trial. My readings during this time were by some persons accounts unusual for the situation in my life.
The 2nd Epistle of Peter taught me a lesson in the seemingly unending lessons that the epistles seem to give. “Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as Hs divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE of him that has called us to glory and virtue; Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” – II Peter 1:2-4.
Hmmmm….Through the Knowledge…..Grace and peace and ALL things that pertain to LIFE and GODLINESS through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Why do I sit and let my time be preoccupied with so many other things at times when the source of total peace and understanding is searching out the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ? I realized early on in this “Post Lay-Off” period that as I would be doing alot of traveling alone in Africa and it was a ripe environment for a swift return of the depression and anxiety I had battled most of my adult life. But with this realization came the subtle yet firm impact of the simple words of the Apostle Peter.
I began to really evaluate the situation and realized that we (I) allow ourselves to go to dark places in our lives because we forsake the simple remedies that are found in Christ. Very simple. NOT EASY, by most accounts, but it is simple. It is not a complex process if you are determined to have a true relationship with the creator of the universe. The world will make it tough, hellacious even, but if you REALLY want to know and stay close to your God, and you make the study of and meditation on his word apart of your daily life, then you will find there is little room for depression. This isnt a BS, “Laa-Laa Land” notion by some nieve christian kid. I am an adult who has battled depression on and off for years and have the battlefield experiences that show how God does help you through tough times when he is indeed the source of your strength.
During a physical last year when I was told I was clinically depressed and prescribed Zoloft, I took two pills, remembered the source of my strength and blessings and never looked back. On my follow-up visit 3 weeks later I told my doctor I changed my diet and read the first 20 chapters of the book of Psalms and improved my condition without need for medication he looked at my skeptically and told me to keep him informed. I have been golden ever since…..
As I sit here now, in Joberg, on a beautiful bright crisp Sabbath morning I had to take a minute to acknowledge in this form where God has placed me and the joy I have in knowing Jesus Christ. Knowing the key steps to knowing and fellowshipping with my God. I paused now because I stood straight up out of bed and stared at the window teary eyed and excuberent, knowing that this is the day that God created for his creation to fellowship with him, and that I can (as can anyone who wants to know him….ON HIS TERMS) talk to the Lord and be strengthened by him. I am humbled and thankful for this. I pray for the day when every human being on the planet can have the peace and joy that comes through TRUELY knowing the Lord, his way and his truth and his true intention for human kind.
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