…..Just how much is the concept of social justice a part of your daily walk or if I may say your “spiritual vernacular” ? Do those of us who claim the Christian Faith realize that the bulk of our life’s mission and actual worship and praise of God is done through service to others, standing up for the oppressed and righting the wrongs within our power to correct (and this I say with hesitation because in Yesus Christos there is no limitation to what can be done or achieved with TRUE FAITH). If all who claim “the way” stopped and assessed themselves, what they do, what they understand about “the way” and then seek to educate themselves as to exactly WHO Yesus Christos was and is and what it means to take on and develop his morality, in most cases we would have a dramatically different approach to and practice of faith. Millions of vulnerable and at risk peoples would live better lives, the homeless would be housed, the orphan loved and cared for, the hungry fed, the exploited rescued and protected and OUR MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS, SISTERS AND WOMAN IN GENERAL would be treated with nothing less than the honor, dignity and respect deserved of a beings made after the image of the divine.
The world around you is a mess and may seem like it is in utter chaos, but so much would be changed if those who claim to be would become and be like the God they claim to serve. No one wants to hear you “talk”, debate or prove a little book knowledge. The world is tired you talking….and failing. What they want to SEE is your God IN YOU. And SEE your God work THROUGH YOU to live up to and fulfill the characteristics, morality and standards of this being Yeshua/Yesus Christos/Jesus Christ. Stop waiting for “Superman” when the reality is, the creator of all things, the “Ever Present God” has empowered you to in some ways become “Superman”, in humility, armed with compassion, love, a sense of justice and power. Painting by Itsub Dink…
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